- Aitkeldiyeva S.A., Tatarkina L.G., Faizulina E.R., Nurmukhanbetova A.M., Baimakhanova G.B.
The study of factors affecting the growth of corrosion-hazardous bacteria in the city ground 5-8
- Bulekbaeva L.E., Iliyin E.A., Erofeeva L.M., Demchenko G.A., Gorchakova O. V.
Condition of microstructure of intestinal lymphoid nodules after 30 days space flight 9-12
- Jakibayeva G.Т., Kebekbayeva К.М., Jobulaeva А.К., Alimbetova АУ., Molzhigitova A.E.
Collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms - the object of the national heritage of the republic 13-17
The modern concept of sustainable development of the biosphere and humaniry 18-25
Extraordinary unusual early beginning of reproductive cycle by Turkestan Ground-jay Ile subspecies (Podoces panderi ilensis) in Southern Balqash desert valley - adaptive response of only one endemic bird creature among whole Qazaqstan avifauna onto changing weather-climatic conditions (Part III) 26-40
- Zhailybay K.N., Tuigynbay A.Zh.
Medical and culinary value of licorice and study of the growth characteristics 41-46
- ImankulovМ.О., Elshibaev A., Syrlybaev G.O.
The study of mycelium shampiniona Balkhash - Agaricus balhaschensis Samg Nam et sp. Nov color on micro chemical reactions 47-50
- Kirshibayev Ye., Baiseitova G., Nokerbekova N., KamunurM., Junis A., Sarsenbayev B.
Obtaining Fj hybrid seeds of sweet sorghum (Sorghum Sacchartum L. Pres.) based on cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) 50-55
- Kulmagambetov I.R., Trenozhnikova L.P., Balgimbayeva A.S., Nurmanbetova F.N., Sarsenbaeva S.S.
Microbiological reference laboratories: effective mechanism for preventing antibiotic resistance 56-63
- Kurbaniyazov A.K., Abdukayumova S., Yusupov B., Nuridinov N.
Ecological problems of the Caspian sea and their influence on socio-economic development 64-67
- Mynbayeva B.N., Makeeva A.Zh.
The study of the soil microbial community’s structure of kazakhstani soils contaminated by heptyl 68-72
Contemporary state and stock of row materials of Rhaponticumcarthamoides (Willd.) Iljin in the Kazakhstan Altai mountains 72-78
- Nazymbetova G.Sh., Yelikbayev B.K., Taranov B.T.
Biotope distribution an of the geometrid moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Northern Tien Shan 79-85
Study of technological innovation materials of homeopathy in malignant neoplasms 98-101
- Sadanov A.K., Auezova O.N., Spankulova G.A.
Bioremediation as the basis for remediation of soils contaminated with petroleum and petroleum products (overview) 101-107
- Sadanov A.K., Idrisova U.R., Musaldinov T.B., Idrisova D.Zh., Aytkeldieva S.A., KudaibergenovM.S., Didorenko S.A.
Effect of carrying agents in the “Rizovit-AKS” formulations on the viability and nitrogen-fixing activity of chickpea root nodule bacteriaMesorhizobium cicer U-2O during storage 108-114
- Sadanov A.K., Ultanbekova G.D., Nysanbaeva A.A., Trenozhnikova L.P.
Selection of optimalculture conditions for the lentil nodule bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum strain B-1 115-120
- Saubenova М..G., Kuznetsova ТУ., Khalymbetova А.Е., ShormanovaМ.М.
Microbial consortium - the most successful way of microbiological industry (review) 121-129
- Seitbattalova АЛ., Daugalieva S.T, Shemshura ОМ., Ismailova E.Т.
Microbiological and molecular genetic characteristics of plant pathogenic fungi, infects soybean in Almaty region 129-136
- Trenozhnikova L.P., Galimbaeva R.Sh., Ultanbekova G.D., Balgimbaeva A.S., Baydyldaeva Zh.A.
Studies on antagonistic properties of extremophilic actinomycetes against the agents of fungal diseases in cereal crops under various environmental conditions 137-144
Diversity, quantitative development and saprobiological characteristic of summer zooplankton in small water bodies of almaty region (2011 & 2014) 144-155